I have temporarily disabled my RawGod blog because there are many posts I would rewrite or change and was hesitant about having my current status, theologically speaking, painted by them.
In addition, there were many posts that were intentionally inflammatory or shock-jockish in nature and that is simply not where I wish to be any longer.
Having recently been hit hard with health issues, my desire to influence by argument is practically non-existent, and I am seeking a more loving, patient, humble, and enduring posture that 'settles in' to where I am at and where those who care to read my thoughts are. Social media, unfortunately, is becoming ever more the quagmire of 'let me hover over you and tell you what you're doing wrong.' This, to me, seems so contrary to the love, compassion, and grace-driven truth of the scriptures and the way of our great Elohim in the world.
I have chosen the name 'The Lighter Shades of Red and Grey' for this blog to allow me great latitude in sharing thoughts, but all with the underlying theme of better than grey days coupled with the hope of the Resurrection. I am not sure yet if this will be the medium (Blogger) for this blog going forward, but I know I needed to start somewhere and keep it simple.
Follow along if you'd like, or comment when you feel like it. I'll be sharing some thoughts on the Resurrection soon. There are many of you that I'd love to engage in this way.
May your mid-week be blessed.
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